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The Wonder Well is a Flourishing Musical Cornucopia by John Adorney

This will be John Adorney’s 7th release and while he is already well known in the Yoga/therapist community, when he’s not making music, he is also a certified music therapist, which obviously translates well to his music.


Mark Knopfler, A.R. Rahman, William Orbit, Loreena McKennitt, Enya, Corelli, Handel, Deep Forest, Joni Mitchell, John Lennon, Bach.


New Age – acoustic electronic

I started my day with high spirits while listening to The Wonder Well by John Adorney. He knows both the human soul and ears. The Wonder Well is his latest album. There are 11 tracks. I think what’s different about this one compared to his past albums is the emphasis on pop hooks and lively beats. It is the music of activity and finding inner peace in an urban landscape. There is still that spiritual John Adorney but with a more radio-friendly approach.

Vocals, keyboards, cellos, guitars, banjos, dulcimer and bamboo flute take you to a cultural journey all over the world. The beautiful vocals of Daya surround this project, sometimes as backing and as lead (If A Rose Could Speak). There are pulsing electronic loops and beats. Reverb embellish some tracks. This is New Age for the new decade.

Spiritus opens the track with wispy vocal overdubs singing:

Spiritus est Deus(Breath is God)

In Spiritus est Deus(God is in your Breath).

The phrases repeat all throughout the track like a mantra. Never Alone has a faintly Latin flavor. I think what differentiates Adorney from the likes of Enigma and Vangelis is his love for intimate acoustic sounds. This one showcases deft acoustic guitar talent on top of chill out beats. There are many memorable tunes in The Wonder Well including the title track. Yes too many to mention. But I think the album title speaks for itself. It is a cornucopia richness for its material and the talents involved. The production is superb. The presence of the autoharp really completes this album!

The Wonder Well is something that will continue to flourish as you listen all the time. It has a timeless appeal because of its artful craft. And heavenly melodies.